The Anatomy of the New Testament with Martin Tanner

April 06, 2020

Hosts & Guests

G.M. Jarrard, Martin Tanner


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If we take a hard look at the titles of the two main parts of the bible, we will realize that the OLD and the NEW testaments testify of the same thing: They testify that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, that there was a Creation, a Fall and an Atonement, and that Jesus is the Christ.

That’s why today, the Book of Mormon bears the subtitle: ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST.

Each testament serves a similar, but different purpose. How does the mission of the New Testament differ from its predecessor and its successors? Mainly, it describes in detail of the mortal mission of the Only Begotten of the Father, the carpenter from Nazareth, the one whom we recognize from comparisons with Old Testament scripture and from modern revelation as the God of the Old Testament, the Lord Jehovah himself.

Christians, by definition, accept the New Testament on face value. But, how did we get it? Who assembled and edited it? Was it put together under divine direction? And how reliable is it?

Those are just some of the discussions you’ll hear in the first segment of our podcasts on the New Testament, which really three combined episodes that were first broadcast on KLO AM1430 in 2018 with Martin Tanner leading the discussion. More follow, but this is the first. Hope you like it! Comments? Share them on the website at


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