Seniors Singing “We Hope They Call Us On A Mission” All Over The Church

May 01, 2020

Hosts & Guests

G.M. Jarrard, Darrell & Ann Hobson


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In the past few years, Primary children haven’t been the only ones singing that old favorite, “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission.” Now senior citizens all over the Church have been belting out that tune as they get their affairs in order, undergo pretty rigorous medical exams and find somebody to watch the house, the garden and the dog while they’re gone. Soon, they discover the toughest part of all is saying goodbye to grandchildren.

Nobody knows that better than Darrell and Ann Hobson, the guests featured here in this next podcast on Latter Day Radio. In 2002, they were called as the president and “mission mother” in the Cape Verde Island mission off the west coast of Africa, a Portuguese-speaking area. President Hobson had served a mission as a young man in Brazil, so that language experience came in handy. Then, they served several in other positions in Africa, including in Mozambique, both as missionaries and as managers of an “NGO” humanitarian service group. Later, they served on a special assignment in Switzerland with BYU’s Kennedy Institute for International Affairs.

Their stories serve as inspiration for other seniors who hope to be called on a mission.


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