In this LATTER DAY RADIO Podcast, hosts Martin Tanner and GM Jarrard answer the question “what exactly was the message of the Restoration that should roll forth and fill the Earth?”
In regards to the Prophet Joseph Smith’s prophecy about the rolling forth of the Gospel that “the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear,” Martin and Greg agree how improbable this statement was given when only relatively few people had heard of Joseph. Today, with 16 million members, it doesn’t seem too outlandish, but at the time, it was. Martin Tanner compares Joseph’s early predictions about the acceptance of the Gospel to the TV show “The Shark Tank” where youmg entrepreneurs bring their proposals to savvy investors to get start-up cash. Who would have invested in Joseph Smith in 1830? No one (except for his family and Martin Harris)!
Even today, when missionaries take the message of the Restoration to all parts of the world, the response is generally, “what needs to be restored?” Or “why?” And often “who cares!”
But, the work rolls on.
In the podcast, the hosts examine what knowledge had been lost to the world, what scriptures talk about concepts the Christian world knows nothing of…concepts that are now common knowledge in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
This episode should be a good topic of conversation in family discussions when a family member or even friends asks, what was lost and was restored. Your feedback is appreciated–our e-mail address is