Faith, Freedom and the Rule of Law

April 06, 2020

Hosts & Guests

G.M. Jarrard, Martin Tanner, Dr. Kristine Frederickson


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About This Episode

When Latter Day Radio was on the air in 2018 on KLO AM1430, we used the phrase “broadcasting from the intersection of faith and freedom.”

It wasn’t just a slogan–it was our attempt to label our point of view that even though religion and politics generally don’t mix well together–sort of like fuel oil and fertilizer that tend to blow up–our intention was clear: namely, that faith and and freedom are inextricably linked. You can’t have one without the other. As Benjamin Franklin explained to one woman when he exited Independence Hall in Philadelphia, who asked him what kind of government the Founders had created, he answered, “a Republic–if you can keep it.” Its foundation, the founders explained, rested on the faith and obedience to God’s laws by its citizens. When the wicked rule, the people mourn–and the corollary: when the people govern themselves AND are wicked, it’s like mixing fuel oil and fertilizer… it’s a bad combination just waiting for a spark.

And, lately, there have been lots of sparks. The incessant, obsessive-compulsive effort by the Left away from the rule of law and its unwillingness to accept the results of the 2016 election are more than a political stalemate–they’re a Cold Civil War, where the forces of secular materialism are being arrayed against traditional Christian values from things like the Right to Life to religious expression. And their bully pulpit is a cudgel called “identity politics.”

In discussing “Identity Politics” – a sacred cause for today’s Democratic Party – the magazine Whistleblower explains that it ‘is reshaping American life, law, politics, culture and virtually every major institution. Yet most people have little or no idea what it really is – or how dangerous.”

Though the term has changed meanings over the years, “identity politics” today has morphed into something so perverse and destructive as to literally promote hatred, conflict and mental illness on the individual level, and on a societal level widespread mistrust, tribalization and ultimate disintegration of the greatest nation in history.”

And, it has eroded the rule of law as demonstrated by the Obama hold-overs and their attempt to remove a duly elected President by weaponing the CIA, the FBI and even the Justice Department.

In the upcoming podcast, the hosts Martin Tanner and Greg Jarrard, and their guest Dr. Kristine Frederickson, don’t discuss these current subjects in detail, rather their conversation focuses on the erosion of the rule of law. And, it’s probably more of a problem today (in the spring of 2020) than it was then. Listen and you decide.

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