Where did we get the Pearl of Great Price? You could view it as a “recipe” book, a collection of some of your favorite spiritual meals combined into one volume. The Church website explains that “…the first collection of materials carrying the title Pearl of Great Price was made in 1851 by Elder Franklin D. Richards, then a member of the Council of the Twelve and president of the British Mission. Its purpose was to make more readily accessible some important articles that had had limited circulation in the time of Joseph Smith. As Church membership increased throughout Europe and America, there was a need to make these items available. The Pearl of Great Price received wide use and subsequently became a standard work of the Church by action of the First Presidency and the general conference in Salt Lake City on October 10, 1880.”
While critics of the Church find problems with the whole book (that’s their problem), the Book of Abraham itself has been singled out for scrutiny by people who either don’t understand how it came about or ignore what experts have explained. This segment on Latter Day Radio features PhD Egyptologist John Gee, professor of ancient scripture at BYU, who answers the questions that many members has. His book, “An Introduction to the Book of Abraham.” is available wherever LDS books are sold.
This episode is hosted by GM Jarrard and was originally broadcast on KLO Radio in Salt Lake City in August of 2018.