A Fresh Look at Near-Death Experiences with Martin Tanner

August 13, 2022

Hosts & Guests

G.M. Jarrard, Martin Tanner, Dr. Melvin Morse


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About This Episode

The growing phenomenon of near-death experiences has attracted more and more attention in recent years. In August 2022, the annual convention of the International Association of Near-death Studies is taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah, where Latter Day Radio host Martin Tanner has been assisting in its organization. As he explains in this podcast, Martin has been investigating reports of people in all walks of life–including small children–who claim that an illness or accident led to an episode known as an NDE, or near-death event. 

One of the more well known experts in the subject. pediatrician Dr. Melvin Morse joins Martin and co-host GM Jarrard and recounts his experience caring for a young girl who was found at the bottom of a swimming pool a couple of decades ago. After she described her “meeting with Jesus,” Dr. Morse and his team began investigating her experience and the experiences of many other children. As Morse explains, there is no other explanation that makes sense, except for her girl’s story.

This podcast adds to other other Latter Day Radio podcast episodes on the subject.


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