June 8th, 2018 was the 40th anniversary of the historic announcement by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that its long-standing and controversial stand that men of African descent could not hold its priesthood was changed forever–in an instant. On that anniversary, a three-hour discussion on the statement that Church leaders had received a revelation that “all worthy male members of the Church regardless of race or color” could now be ordained was broadcast on Latter Day Radio, an LDS radio talk show on KLO AM1430. This podcast is an edited version of that broadcast. First, you’ll hear from members who heard about the announcement while living in the Deep South at the time; then, two former Church News reporters and editors tell how they were as surprised as anyone else about the announcement. Geri Avant, who later became the Church News editor, and Jon Hart, a staff writer, explain how they fielded questions from all over the world. Then, they relate a heart-warming meeting with President Kimball in December of that year (1978) who explained how he was determined to learn of the Lord’s will–once and for all–about the question at hand. This first episode is followed by two additional segments that will give a historical basis for the policy and then why it was changed. The last segment will address the effect this revelation has on the Church’s growth today in Africa and elsewhere.