Book Review: The Apocalypse, Zion and Understanding Isaiah–3 titles by Randall Chase

April 06, 2020

Hosts & Guests

G.M. Jarrard, Dr. Randall Chase


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In 2018, author, publisher and college professor Dr. Randall Chase was a guest on the LDS talk show, Latter Day Radio, hosted by GM Jarrard. A prolific author, Dr. Chase is well known among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for his popular “Making Precious Things Plain: A Book of Mormon Study Guide.” In this podcast, Dr. Chase discusses three books in three episodes (that we have combined into one 40-minute podcast). They are “Apocalypse: The Great Day of the Lord for the Righteous,” “Establishing Zion: Preparing the Earth for the Return of Jesus Christ,” and “Making Isaiah Plain: An Old Testament Guide for the Book of Isaiah.” As he explains in our first segment, most people have negative opinions of the word “apocalypse,” but they shouldn’t have—if they’re righteous, according to Dr. Chase. Just saying the word brings to mind the idea of mass destruction. Many think of a fiery end to life on earth or of zombies shuffling ominously through the streets. Focusing on the negative makes it an unpleasant subject. Contrary to these ideas, this book on the Apocalypse focuses on the great blessings that the righteous will receive when the Lord comes—a great and glorious day with no fear of the destruction that will simultaneously come down upon the heads of the wicked. He continues in the second segment where he describes the concept of Zion; in the third part, he helps us understand the importance of studying Isaiah. Dr. Chase’s interview and the review of his books are examples of the discussions we have had with LDS authors since Latter Day Radio went on the air (on KLO 1430am in Salt Lake City) in 2018. Another author we will be featuring in an upcoming episode is Michelle Schmidt, the mother of Annie Schmidt who was killed in a hiking accident in 2016. Michelle’s husband is Jon Schmidt, the pianist of the Piano Guys; their search for their daughter, by all accounts, ended in tragedy when Annie’s body was found at the bottom of a cliff in Oregon. But, in her book, “Carried,” Michelle describes how the Lord’s atonement carried her through that grief and gave her even greater faith in Christ’s plan for his children.

Another author, Bruce Van Orden, released his book, “We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout: The Life and Times of W.W. Phelps,” in 2018. His podcast and review of the life of this remarkable early author, printer and figure in the Restoration is also posted here … as another of Latter Day Radio’s “Faith-affirming Podcasts.” For details, refer to Latter Day Radio’s website at, or send an e-mail to


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