Latter Day Radio: Faith-affirming Podcasts
In 2018, Martin Tanner and GM Jarrard broadcast more than 250 episodes
on KLO AM 1430 radio from “the intersection of faith and freedom” in Salt Lake City, Utah. They and their guests discussed dozens of topics of interest to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including the 1978 Revelation on the Priesthood, “shaken-faith syndrome,” church history, the Book of Abraham and all the other books of scripture. These podcasts are selected from the best of those programs. We have organized the dozens of podcasts we have by category–(see the MENU above). Just go to that MENU item and then scroll down to listen to a podcast.
About Us:
Martin Tanner has earned the reputation as a “Defender of the Faith.” Whenever a critic of the Church comes to town to trot out the latest charge or defamation of the organization or its leaders, Martin is often called on to answer their questions and rebut their arguments. When “calumny defamed,” Martin stood up for truth! He is a well read Gospel scholar, mediator and consultant whose passion and lifetime hobby is to “spread the Word.”
G.M. Jarrard is an author, editor, publisher and political consultant.
His marketing-communications firm has served clients in government, politics and business. He has tried to retire–unsuccessfully. His latest book is The Invitation to the Shining City and is now available for sale at Amazon and at his other website, www.theshiningcity.org.
Their episodes are now available here as Latter Day Radio’s
“Faith-affirming podcasts.” This project is their part-time hobby.

Martin Tanner
Co-Host and Advisor

G.M. Jarrard
Producer, Co-Host
Episodes are posted weekly
Check back every Monday morning
Got a question or request?
Check here for links or click on iTunes et al
Sample Episode
Blacks & the Priesthood, #9
Former CBS executive and co-founder of the A&E Network Don Gull shares his experiences working in New York City in the summer of 1978 when the revelation on the Priesthood was announced to the world.
Season 1, Episode 9 | 13min
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Our Mission
Latter Day Radio segments cover dozens of topics such as intelligent design, near-death experiences, history of the Old and New Testaments and thoughts on Book of Mormon geography. Our mission is to be a fountain of truth and inspiration that is uplifting, helpful and of “good report or praiseworthy” to help the “hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees.” We believe Joseph Smith’s prophecy that “The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” We want to help in this effort.
This website and the text and/or podcasts themselves are copyrighted by GM Jarrard at Capitol Ideas Group, Inc.© 2021 DBA Latter Day Radio podcasts. All rights reserved. Use of these materials without the express written consent of Capitol Ideas Inc. or GM JARRARD is prohibited.